David Collins presenting the CF TEC Bridge in RAIC Showcase Series

September 08, 2022
The Bridge is lit up in the evening, accentuating the steel twisting ribs as it transitions into the Hudson's Bay historic building.

The inaugural Showcase Series sheds light on the projects and practices, and the people behind the work, who have received recognition from the RAIC.

David Collins from Zeidler Architecture and Dominic Bettison from WilkinsonEyre will present the CF Toronto Eaton Centre Bridge, recipient of the National Urban Design’s Civic Design Award Certificate of Merit. The presentation will be followed by a moderated discussion with RAIC Honours and Awards Manager Amanda Shore and conclude with a Q&A Session.

In this 90-minute session, we will discuss the story behind how the Bridge came to fruition. We’ll take you through our design and fabrication processes, as well as how the Bridge was constructed beside the CF Toronto Eaton Centre and lifted into place in a complex orchestration.

The virtual and free session takes place Tuesday September 13 at 1pm EST. Learn more and sign-up here.

Photo of CF Toronto Eaton Centre The Rudy Adlaf Bridge

CF Toronto Eaton Centre The Rudy Adlaf Bridge

Photo of CF Toronto Eaton Centre Bridge receives Award of Merit at 2022 National Urban Design Awards

CF Toronto Eaton Centre Bridge receives Award of Merit at 2022 National Urban Design Awards

Photo of Our asset renewal portfolio respositions, repurposes and renews aging buildings for a resilient future

Our asset renewal portfolio respositions, repurposes and renews aging buildings for a resilient future

Project Details
