Rob Eley
Email RobWith Zeidler for over 45 years, Rob is a seasoned architectural designer and leader of many of our firm’s most complex projects. From large-scale planning studies to intricate architectural details, he resolves each problem regardless of scale with a practical, methodical approach. Using precedents, programme, and client vision, Rob distils complex requirements into simple and efficient design solutions. From this solid foundation, Rob is able to push innovation, earning him a reputation as a technical design leader. For instance, Rob designed a unique sliding air-curtain solution to achieve maintenance access and thermal efficiency on UP Express, and incorporated new standards in seismic design for high-rise towers in Torre Mayor in Mexico City.
Rob is a technical and creative design mentor, sharing his impressive experience having delivered many of the firm’s landmark and international projects. He leads by example as an effective collaborator. His willingness to innovate and consider all ideas and expertise is a testament to his career success.
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